Gabe’s First Vacation Without Mom or Dad

Getting Gabe ready to go away for five days! I can’t believe he’s going to be gone that long! He’s never been gone so long before and I am having a bit of an emotional wrestle with myself about this.

He’ll be in good hands, of that I have no worries. And I know he’ll have loads of fun, but I am still gonna miss my little man. What am I going to do with myself next week when Ben goes to work and I am here, alone, all day! I don’t really get much time alone so the thought of it is both exciting and terrifying!

He’s heading to New Brunswick with his Oma (my mother-in-law) for five days. It’s only about a four and a half hour drive from where we live but the more I think about it the farther away it feels. It’s like every second spent thinking adds another mile on to his journey.

When Gabe was first born everyone wanted to take him for a night or two and we wouldn’t let anyone. He was our baby and we wanted him held close.

When he was four months old my dad and step-mother had him for a night. We were there bright and early in the morning to check up on him while I was on my way to work. It was the first time he had been away and we missed him.

After that first time away the requests from Ben’s mom started coming in and he started spending time away. We eventually got used to it but it was only ever for a night. I still managed to see him every day of his life for his first two years.

He was two and a half years old when Oma took him to the city for the weekend to go visit her boyfriend who lives there. It was only an hour away from us but it was the hardest two days for us as parents we had known. Our boy wasn’t with us and we missed him so much. Of course he had to call and say good night each night he was away. That is still our rule when he goes away over night.

Slowly our holding him so tight loosened and he went away more frequently. Mostly either with his Oma or Nanny and Grampy (my dad and step-mother). He has stayed a few nights with his Granny (my mother) and even a few nights at a friend’s house, but more often than not he is still home with Mom and Dad.

Ever since Oma asked about taking him with her about a month ago I had some mixed feelings. It’s been a while since he was anywhere away from us, so in some ways I think this will be good. As much as we love him and want him around all the time we all need our space from each other occasionally. The only part of me that things it’s not so good is the part of me that’s going to miss him.

Am I too clingy of a mother because part of me doesn’t want him to go? Or am I too unattached because I am letting him go? These are questions I keep asking myself and I look for the balance in the middle of it all, if there is one.

Overall I know he’ll have a great time, and that is what is overruling my emotional side that wants him to stay. I can’t take this trip away from him just because I am a little emotional, I just don’t feel like that’s fair. But I can honestly say that this is going to be one momma who misses her boy!

Our Decision to Homeschool

Before Gabe was even born I knew that I wanted to homeschool when he was old enough. Ben agreed with me, that it was the only way to do it.

For both Ben and I the public school system had let us down. We were both decently smart from the beginning and found school just wasn’t challenging enough to keep us interested. I got bored and stopped doing work because it wasn’t challenging or didn’t interest me and he became disruptive in class, getting detentions all the time because he was done is work and wanted something to do.

We decided that with our children we would educate any we have ourselves, at least through the elementary grades, and beyond if that’s what our children want to do.

With Gabe just over four now and ready to start school this fall it’s something that has been on my mind a lot, his education. Sure, we read to him, talk about numbers, colors, ABC’s and all those things that parents generally work on with their children before school age, but as far as anything structured, we haven’t been working with a structure at all, and honestly I don’t plan on having much of one.

Of course there will be specific things to be learned, and somewhat of a timefram to work on those things. This is more for my benefit than his though, to make sure I cover everything I am expected to be covering to please the school board and for them to allow homeschooling to continue.

There are many people who disagree with our decision to homeschool, but most of those people step back and say that he is our child and it is our decision to make, not theirs. My mother-in-law, however, was the most vocal. She got into an outright argument with me one night about how she disagreed with it completely. Ben wasn’t there for the argument but immediately called his mother when he heard about it later and flat out told her that it was our choice and when we talked with Gabe it’s what he wants to do (and yes, we explained to him that other children went to public schools). Ever since then she has been buying all kinds of work books and stuff for him to do so I guess our most vocal adversary has quieted down and decided “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

We are really looking forward to all the adventures the next several years will hold for us and Gabe as he learns and expands and grows. It’s all exciting!

Sure, I’m nervous. I am afraid of what I don’t know, which is a lot, by the way, but I know I will always do my best and when I don’t know something we will find the answers together. There are some things I will be learning right along with him, and that excites me!

My little man has such a curious mind. He wants to know everything and I love spending my days with him. I love the fact that he wants to be home with mommy for school and will go play with friends at play groups and other events that we can get out to.

This is, by far, the biggest step I feel I am taking as a parent; tackling my son’s education!